Saturday, June 3, 2023
Hello to all BC NCRS members and anyone interested in Corvettes
The British Columbia chapter of NCRS is holding a judging meet On Saturday June 3 in Surrey. For more details see the website at If you are a member and haven’t registered, please do. Log onto the NCRS website ( and under the “SERVICES” tab on the main page, scroll down to “Coming Events” and then look for “Event Registration” and scroll down to
06-03-2023 British Columbia Chapter BCCNCRS Flight Judging Event
We are encouraging all members to participate in the judging process, it’s a great learning experience, no prior experience is required – just a passion for Corvettes. Learn how the judging process works and what judges look for in evaluation car originality and condition. Judges as assigned across five areas of judging: exterior, interior, chassis, mechanical (engine) and operations. If you are willing to participate and learn, please, contact our judging chairman Grant Wong 604 430-2549 [email protected] We need judges!
Guaranteed to be a very enjoyable day. Come for the cars and the learning – but stay for Grants incredible lunch spread! The event will be held at #108 18663 52nd Ave. Surrey – starting at 8:30 with coffee and muffins
Feel free to bring an interested friend who can join the Chapter onsite.